About Us

The San Martin de Porres Foundation is a civil, deeply Catholic, non-profit, formed by a large group of people related to charisma, aims and objectives of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

It was incorporated in Anolaima the November 9, 2006, and officially recognized by the Chamber of Commerce on January 23, 2007 (NIT No. 900 130 736-4), in order to sustain and develop the interests and projects that the Priestly Society of St.Peter (FSSP) is planning to undertake in the Municipality of Anolaima and in the future, both nationally and internationally.

In addition, the San Martin de Porres Foundation focuses its efforts in the promotion and sustainable development of disadvantaged communities in Gauteng and the country, through the recovery, development and promotion, mostly among children and youth, indigenous arts and crafts , coordinating research activities to the area, with a view to strengthening their own identity.

Today is supporting, in collaboration with foreign institutions, socio-cultural project of integral development and sostenibleque the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter has initiated on behalf of young farmers in the municipality of Cundinamarca Anolaima under the motto: "To know, love and convey what our own. "

The St. Martin de Porres Foundation aims to be for children and young people an attractive alternative and easy access to their human, moral and intellectual, and a good way to channel paths for all efforts and initiatives for the common good.

Fully trusting in Divine Providence, and in those of good heart, St. Martin de Porres Foundation invites you to collaborate and engage in the pursuit of this noble cause. To do this, you simply need to fill in the form of association and returning it to the address listed in the contact section.